Saturday, 31 January 2009

ShOOting SchedUale =D

\\... H O P E ...// Sh00ting SchedUal
As a group, we think that it is best to start shooting the basic shots first such as long shots and close ups of some characters for a starter. We are planning to use the identifyable setting [the common room and the hall] as our places to start, as it will enable us to develop the shots from there. As we will be using the school quite alot for our production, we may also take various shots within the school, for example, some may include high angle shots from the stairs looking down etc.
Another thing we are planning to do is to take some shots of our main character [the judge] which will be Rohin, as he will be shown in our production a fair amount and therfore we need to take as many shots as possible with him in there, not forgetting the bodyguards, as they are also another important feature.
Something else we also want to take advantage of is the anti-bullying show, [YAB's] as this will allow us to take lots of different kinds of shots which we can then later edit and choose from. However, as there is still 1/2 weeks before the show, we are going to start with the simple shots first around the school, outside school, especially for the violent shots, and the hall.
Another part in our shooting would be filming our main characters first as we're unsure of when exactly the [YAB] show will take place. Therefore, instead of waiting for the show and wasting valuble time we will probably begin filming our characters and the events that take place before the actual show does. With the time that we have left before the show we will be able to work on our tacking shots and close-ups as we need to make them as effective as possible. Also, using different lightings in the most shortest shots will be vital to use as we can make them as affective as possible.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Feedback on our Pitch By Suhu ... =]

The presentation of the pitch was good and unique as each of us had a point and elaborated on it which made our presentation skills better and made out presentation stand out from all the other groups. What I also liked about our presentation was that the extra features that Tasha made was incredible because that was a little sample of what our narrative will breifly consist of and due to that it gained a good reaction from the rest of the groups.

To make the characters positions in the film abit specific, but not giving away that much.

->Talk about how exactly the film will target older audiences.

-> To make sure that the film can have features that will engage our target audience prefrences.

->To make sure that each shot in our trailer will have a meaning and engage our audience's attention.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

... FeedBack =)...x .. By Yasmin ... =]

W.W.W ...

=> Our overall Pitch went quite well, as we got good feedback. In Addition, we were able to answer any questions about our production and had a unique pitch unlike most of the productions that have been previosuly produced.

E.B.I ...

=> Dont just Stick to dancing and singing in our production, as we should make it more unique by using all sorts of talent, as we want to get our point across about everyone having a special talent.

=> Meeting the demands of our audience, not making our audience dissapointed.

=> Not Giving the whole story away, creating an enigma our audience.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Feedback On Our Pitch .... - [x] - Tasha - [x] -

Overall we were given a warm and relaxed feedback. The reason for this was mainly becuase our ideas were unique and different towards usual types of productions usualy made.
Also the idea that we would be recording in an area that we are familiar and used to will make it easier and more reliable.

Even Better If ...

* 1) * We have a wide range variety of talents in our film.
* 2) * Make sure our film has a demanding meaning rather than just a competition type of meaning.
* 3) * Make sure we focus on a wide range of shots within our trailer.
* 4) * Making sure the storyline is an influence to the audience.
* 5) * We have to focus on the certifictae base of the film ( in this case 15). This is because our film has to have reasons why the certificate is 15, for example violence.

What Went Well // Even Better If... =D ... By Baljit ... [x]

  • Overall our pitch went quite well as we had a strong overview of what we had in mind and what we planned to do. We had some original and unique ideas, which made it better as the genre we chose was different to what other groups chose. We also had things which our audience would be able to identify with and realate to such as the setting, and therfore made our pitch even better.
E B I's
  • I think that we have to concentrate or focus on something which will make our production outstanding from the rest. In particualr trying to avoid common storylines which have been produced in the past. Having something unique, and something which is unusual may end up actually widening the audience range and making our production all the more successful, so a dramatic storyline which follows our pitch might be a good thing
  • Another aspect we have to strongly focus on is the effect it will have on our audience. If we want this to be successful, we have to ensure that our production is something to remember and something which will overall remain in our audiences' mind. For example, if it follows usual and common conventions of this type of genre, it might decrease the amount of viewers we attract as it is nothing new.
  • Again we have to also focus on the rating of our production, as mentioned before this is something we have only slightly touched upon, and maybe have to consider the extent of violence, which was going to be included, in our production. As the rating is 15, we have to bear in mind that the viewers are still young in comparison to film which had a rating of 18, and therefore there may be a few limitations.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Which production company(ies) would you be pitching to? Detail them and explain why they would be relevant for the genre of film you are aiming to pro

Our production is about a group of individuals each trying to pursue their dreams one by one but face some tough obstacles along the way. The trailer will obviously introduce the characters but will emphasize highly on their desire to get to the top. The target audience will be to a young audience because we can obviously relate to them and fulfil their expectations. For example, one storyline about one of the characters would be a dancer and her/his desire to fulfil their dreams and this type of narrative has been used before and has been appealing to young audiences therefore finding research would be fine.

My focus as a member of the group will be on choosing the production company(ies) that we will be pitching to, a good way to research would to look at trailers which have been distributed through those companies. One example could be from the film ‘Step up the Streets’ which was distributed through Summit Entertainment and the production company was Touchstone pictures.

The reason why Touchstone pictures would be a useful company to work for is because Touchstone pictures have produce movies of this particular genre and also Touchstonbe pictures is part of the Walt Disney Company, which is known for apealing to a young audience with movies such as, High School Musical and Pirates of the Carribean. Therefore, as a result Touchstone Pictures would be a good production company because all the resources needed will be effective to our group as Touchstone Pictures has had a reputation for making movies and in addition Touchstone pictures has it's own television productions which consist of high profile shows such as My Wife and Kids, Desperate Housewives and Lost etc. Which again these movies and shows are ideal for our target audience.

-x- Content That Is Likely To Be In Our Film..Meaning The Trailer Could Only Be Shown In Cinemas Showing Films That Have Been Classified A 15/18 -x-

An example of a specific content that wont be suitable for films showing under 15 would be violence. As our film will be focussed upon young teenagers taking part in a competition, there will be signs of frustration leading to stress and possible violence, for example anger being taken out if someone dosent do something right or if someone dosent get as far as they would have like to in the competition.
Another content that wont be sutiable for films under the age of 15 would be Gang Awareness. An example of this being used in our film would be when different dance troops Vs against one another and when certain people go head to head against one another. This results in gangs as certain people will have closer relationships with one another, and certain people will dislike and envy another person or group.

... Explaining how our film would appeal to more than the mainstream 16-25 youth market...x

The whole purpose of our film trailer is to make a difference on people’s lives and their future. Reasons for our trailer being successful towards all different ages is because every individual no matter what age they are deserves a chance at achieving something throughout their lives.
As our trailer is to do with people achieving their talents or their dreams this therefore relates to all ages, as it doesn’t matter what age you are you can still achieve your dream.

Overview Of the Idea! =D

Our film production will mainly follow comedy conventions, containing alot of humourous aspects. It will follow films such as Dreamgirls, Step-up, Bend It Like Beckham and You Got Served. The reason we have decided to use the genre of comedy is because we think it will have a massive appeal on our target audience, and will be something that will interest our target audience and the overall mainstream audience too. The films we have looked at so far all include reality conventions such as real life situations which is something that has inspired us too include reality aspects in our film. We think this will also appeal to our audience as it will be relatable and will encouragemany viewers to identify with the actors/actresses.
Our film will include many of Propps's characters such as the hero/ villain, however in a very disguised way, in order to create a suspensful effect on our audience. Our film will also follow Todorov's narrative structure, for example, including the euilibrium, agent, distributory chaos and the new equilibrium.
As we want our film to be easily recognisable and easily relatable, our desired setting would be a hall and stage in a school, as our target audience will be able to identify not only with the characters but setting too.
In order to gain a wider mainstream audience aswell as our target audience, we will include a mixture of boys and girls, different ages, and different ethnicities and cultures. This is so our film will appeal to a range of viewers.

-x- Suhu's reasons to why we chose this particual genre?.. -x-

The reason why we chose this particular genre becuase the comedy used will be appealing to young audiences as the different types of comedy used such as Farce and Slapstick Have been a success and our target audience will be able to understand clearly what the humour is about whereas; the older audience wouldn’t find this particular comedy funny and will see it as immature. In addition, with our narrative that will be used in the trailer along with the comedy will become extremely appealing to our target audience because they will be able to relate to the characters and the comedy which will become very fitting to the audience.

-x- Yasmin's reasons to why we chose this particual genre?.. -x-

I as an individual agreed with this genre as I think its more unique than what has previously been made. Most typical genres when doing a film trailer production is comedy, horror or real life based. Therefore for a trailer showing an audience that dreams can be achieved this is more heart whelming and unique for our group to do. Moreover this can be a trailer that has an effect on our audience more as they can relate this trailer to themselves and feel more proud of whatever talent they may have. In addition I love to sing, so doing this trailer not also will have an effect on the audience but also an effect on me.

-x- Baljit's reasons to why we chose this particual genre?.. -x-

The reason I agreed to use the genre of comedy is because I think it will have a massive appeal on our target audience, and will be something that will interest our target audience and the overall mainstream audience too. The genre may also appeal to the audience as it is something to watch which acts as inspiration, and something which relieves stress especially towards the target audience, however can still appeal and attract older viewers. Comedy is also a very popular genre which engages many viewers and there are also various ways in humouring viewers such as slapstick etc. Therefore, using this genre gives us wider options to play around with, and will guranteed to be a success.

-x- Tasha's reasons to why we chose this particual genre?.. -x-

The reason why I have chosen to use this particualr genre is because, i personally belive that it is different and it is not a typical genre that would be taken on. Also the genre is evry unique, and can be inspiring to all types of people, for example : Gender, Ethnicity, Age, Special Needs and Different Talents.
Also i think challenging the idea with people having different talents, will gain more viewers as they can respond to it personally or do something about their particular dreams and amibitions.
Also peole wouldnt usually associate talent and dreams with humour. So this therfore gains a wider range of mainstream audience due to the twist of both genres in one film.

-x-..Examples Of Film Trailers That Have Been Produced in Our Chosen Genre .. -x-

Step Up ..

Save The Last Dance ..


You Got Served ..

Bend It Like Beckham ..