\\... H O P E ...// Sh00ting SchedUal
As a group, we think that it is best to start shooting the basic shots first such as long shots and close ups of some characters for a starter. We are planning to use the identifyable setting [the common room and the hall] as our places to start, as it will enable us to develop the shots from there. As we will be using the school quite alot for our production, we may also take various shots within the school, for example, some may include high angle shots from the stairs looking down etc.
Another thing we are planning to do is to take some shots of our main character [the judge] which will be Rohin, as he will be shown in our production a fair amount and therfore we need to take as many shots as possible with him in there, not forgetting the bodyguards, as they are also another important feature.
Something else we also want to take advantage of is the anti-bullying show, [YAB's] as this will allow us to take lots of different kinds of shots which we can then later edit and choose from. However, as there is still 1/2 weeks before the show, we are going to start with the simple shots first around the school, outside school, especially for the violent shots, and the hall.
Another part in our shooting would be filming our main characters first as we're unsure of when exactly the [YAB] show will take place. Therefore, instead of waiting for the show and wasting valuble time we will probably begin filming our characters and the events that take place before the actual show does. With the time that we have left before the show we will be able to work on our tacking shots and close-ups as we need to make them as effective as possible. Also, using different lightings in the most shortest shots will be vital to use as we can make them as affective as possible.
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